The practice
The body is a complex integration of structural, chemical and mechanical processes. In order to balance these systems, Dr. Wilson uses a holistic approach involving chiropractic, applied kinesiology and nutrition. Several additional techniques including clinical kinesiology, activator, SOT (sacro-occipital technique), myofascial release, network spinal analysis, biogeometric integration, NET (neuro-emotional technique), CMRT (chiropractic manipulative reflex technique for organs) and JMT are also essential to her treatments. Dr. Wilson is certified in acupuncture, but uses acupressure points instead of needles. Being an athlete herself, Dr. Wilson additionally offers comprehensive sports therapy and rehabilitation.

Applied Kinesiology
Applied kinesiology is the practice of using muscle testing to assess the functional imbalances of the body. It includes evaluation of the nervous, lymphatic and vascular systems, as well as nutrition and acupressure. Since the nervous systems innervates all muscles, tissues and organs of the body, disruption of the nervous impulses will manifest in muscle weakness and ultimately cause imbalance in overall health. Identifying these muscle weaknesses serves as a tool for examination and treatment of dysfunction. Treatment then involves a holistic regimen of chiropractic, myofascial release, acupuncture points and nutritional counseling.

Nutritional evaluation
Using both her medical and chiropractic backgrounds, Dr. Wilson can advise you about your health and immune system, diet and nutritional needs as well as assistance with allergy issues. She has additional expertise in neuroendocrine disorders such as thyroid and adrenal problems, male and female hormonal issues and gastrointestinal and sugar imbalances. Many of these problems are addressed through CMRT, acupressure, vitamin protocols as well as herbal and homeopathic remedies.
(910) 796-1311